Rabu, 06 September 2017

Take away Aung San Suu Kyi’s Nobel peace prize. She no longer deserves it

 Aung San Suu Kyi: ‘It is hard to think of any recent political leader by whom such high hopes have been so cruelly betrayed.’ Photograph: Edgar Su/Reuters

Few of us expect much from political leaders: to do otherwise is to invite despair. But to Aung San Suu Kyi we entrusted our hopes. To mention her name was to invoke patience and resilience in the face of suffering, courage and determination in the unyielding struggle for freedom. She was an inspiration to us all.

She has denied the very identity of the people being attacked, asking the US ambassador not to use the term Rohingya
Friends of mine devoted their working lives to the campaign for her release from the many years of detention imposed by the military dictatorship of Myanmar, and for the restoration of democracy. We celebrated when she was awarded the Nobel peace prize in 1991; when she was finally released from house arrest in 2010; and when she won the general election in 2015.

None of this is forgotten. Nor are the many cruelties she suffered, including isolation, physical attacks and the junta’s curtailment of her family life. But it is hard to think of any recent political leader by whom such high hopes have been so cruelly betrayed.

By any standards, the treatment of the Rohingya people, a Muslim minority in Myanmar, is repugnant. By the standards Aung San Suu Kyi came to symbolise, it is grotesque. They have been described by the UN as “the world’s most persecuted minority”, a status that has not changed since she took office.

The Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Genocide describes five acts, any one of which, when “committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group”, amounts to genocide. With the obvious and often explicit purpose of destroying this group, four of them have been practised more or less continuously by Myanmar’s armed forces since Aung San Suu Kyi became de facto political leader.

Aung San Suu Kyi says 'terrorists' are misinforming world about Myanmar violence

I recognise that the armed forces retain great power in Myanmar, and that Aung San Suu Kyi does not exercise effective control over them. I recognise that the scope of her actions is limited. But, as well as a number of practical and legal measures that she could use directly to restrain these atrocities, she possesses one power in abundance: the power to speak out. Rather than deploying it, her response amounts to a mixture of silence, the denial of well-documented evidence, and the obstruction of humanitarian aid.

I doubt she has read the UN human rights report on the treatment of the Rohingyas, released in February. The crimes it revealed were horrific.

It documents the mass rape of women and girls, some of whom died as a result of the sexual injuries they suffered. It shows how children and adults had their throats slit in front of their families.

It reports the summary executions of teachers, elders and community leaders; helicopter gunships randomly spraying villages with gunfire; people shut in their homes and burnt alive; a woman in labour beaten by soldiers, her baby stamped to death as it was born.

It details the deliberate destruction of crops and the burning of villages to drive entire populations out of their homes; people trying to flee gunned down in their boats.

In response Aung San Suu Kyi has blamed these atrocities, in a chillingly remote interview, on insurgents, and expressed astonishment that anyone would wish to fight the army when the government has done so much for them. Perhaps this astonishment comes easily to someone who has never visited northern Rakhine state, where most of this is happening.Hard as it is to imagine, this campaign of terror has escalated in recent days. Refugees arriving in Bangladesh report widespread massacres. Malnutrition ravages the Rohingya, afflicting 80,000 children.

It is true that some Rohingya people have taken up arms, and that the latest massacres were triggered by the killing of 12 members of the security forces last month, attributed to a group that calls itself the Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army. But the military response has been to attack entire populations, regardless of any possible involvement in the insurgency, and to spread such terror that 120,000 people have been forced to flee in the past fortnight.

In her Nobel lecture, Aung San Suu Kyi remarked: “Wherever suffering is ignored, there will be the seeds of conflict, for suffering degrades and embitters and enrages.” The rage of those Rohingya people who have taken up arms has been used as an excuse to accelerate an existing programme of ethnic cleansing.

She has not only denied the atrocities, attempting to shield the armed forces from criticism; she has also denied the very identity of the people being attacked, asking the US ambassador not to use the term Rohingya. This is in line with the government’s policy of disavowing their existence as an ethnic group, and classifying them – though they have lived in Myanmar for centuries – as interlopers. She has upheld the 1982 Citizenship Law, which denies these people their rights.

When a Rohingya woman provided detailed allegations about her gang rape and associated injuries by Myanmar soldiers, Aung San Suu Kyi’s office posted a banner on its Facebook page reading “Fake Rape”. Given her reputation for micromanagement, it seems unlikely that such action would have been taken without her approval.

Not only has she snubbed and obstructed UN officials who have sought to investigate the treatment of the Rohingya, but her government has prevented aid agencies from distributing food, water and medicines to people displaced or isolated by the violence. Her office has accused aid workers of helping “terrorists”, putting them at risk of attack, further impeding their attempts to help people who face starvation.

Aung San Suu Kyi: Myanmar's great hope fails to live up to expectations
So far Aung San Suu Kyi has been insulated by the apologetics of those who refuse to believe she could so radically abandon the principles to which she once appealed. A list of excuses is proffered: that she didn’t want to jeopardise her prospects of election; that she doesn’t want to offer the armed forces a pretext to tighten their grip on power; that she has to keep China happy.

None of them stand up. As a great democracy campaigner once remarked: “It is not power that corrupts, but fear. Fear of losing power corrupts those who wield it.” Who was this person? Aung San Suu Kyi. But now, whether out of prejudice or out of fear, she denies to others the freedoms she rightly claimed for herself. Her regime excludes – and in some cases seeks to silence – the very activists who helped to ensure her own rights were recognised.

This week, to my own astonishment, I found myself  signing a petition for the revocation of her Nobel peace prize. I believe the Nobel committee should retain responsibility for the prizes it awards, and withdraw them if its laureates later violate the principles for which they were recognised. There are two cases in which this appears to be appropriate. One is Barack Obama, who, bafflingly, was given the prize before he was tested in office. His programme of drone strikes, which slaughtered large numbers of civilians, should disqualify him from this honour. The other is Aung San Suu Kyi.


Minggu, 03 September 2017

Anda Memasuki Area Info 21+ Suami Istri "Only"

Ini adalah Informasi yang saya peroleh dari posting seorang dokter di halaman facebooknya. Cuma pengen share dan langsung aja di baca.

1. Berhubungan seks mengurangi sakit kepala. Setiap kali bercinta, ia melepaskan ketegangan di pembuluh darah otak.

2. Bercinta bisa membersihkan hidung tersumbat. Seks adalah antihistamin alami. Ini membantu melawan asma dan alergi musim semi.

3. Bercinta adalah perawatan kecantikan yang spektakuler. Para ilmuwan telah menemukan bahwa ketika seorang wanita melakukan hubungan seks, ia menghasilkan sejumlah besar estrogen yang memberi kesan bersinar dan lembut pada rambut.

4. Seks adalah salah satu olahraga teraman. Cinta sering memperkuat otot tubuh pria dan wanita. Ini lebih menyenangkan daripada berenang 20 lap di kolam renang dan tidak perlu sepatu spesial!

5. Bercinta perlahan, lancar dan dengan cara santai mengurangi kemungkinan menderita dermatitis, ruam kulit dan jerawat. Keringat yang dihasilkan membersihkan pori-pori dan membuat kulit Anda bersinar.

6. Aktivitas seks bisa membakar semua kalori yang telah Anda kumpulkan selama makan malam romantis sebelum tidur.

7. Seks adalah obat ilahi untuk depresi. Ini melepaskan endorfin ke dalam aliran darah, menciptakan keadaan euforia dan membuat wanita dan pria merasa unik.

8. Seks adalah obat penenang dan pelemas otot ke dunia yang lebih aman. Seribu kali lebih efektif daripada Valium.

9. Badan yang aktif secara seksual melepaskan lebih banyak feromon.

10. Berciuman setiap hari akan membuat Anda lebih banyak waktu jauh dari dokter gigi. Berciuman adalah seni yang membuat gigi bersih dan air liur mengurangi jumlah asam yang menyebabkan kerusakan gigi. Pencegahan ini menghilangkan banyak masalah, selain menawarkan nafas terus diperbaharui

sumber :  Dokter Andi Prayogo 

Jumat, 01 September 2017

Antara Saya, Aceh dan Rohingya (short story)

Bersama Bocah Rohingya di penampungan Pengungsi Aceh Timur (Mei 2015) Program Rehabilitasi Trauma bersama Komunitas Solidaritas Dhuafa Aceh (KSDA).

6 Tahun lalu sekitar Februari 2011, bersama Kameramen Aceh TV Faisal Pasee, saya bertugas meliput Pengungsi Rohingya di Pelabuhan Malahayati Aceh Besar. Mereka adalah "Manusia Perahu" yang terdampar di Pidie setelah berminggu terombang ambing di samudera, yang satu perahu kecil berisi hampir 150 manusia, pria, wanita dan anak-anak termasuk bayi.

Saya mewawancarai seorang pengungsi (lupa namanya) yang bisa berbahasa inggris.
Saya bertanya "kenapa Aceh? Tidak Sengaja atau Benar terdampar?"
"Sengaja, kami mendapat kabar dari saudara kami yang sudah lebih dulu kabur dari myanmar, bahwa hanya Aceh yang mau menerima kami,".

"Bagaimana jika kalian dikembalikan ke negara kalian?" tanya saya.
"Lebih baik kalian bunuh kami disini, karena disanapun kami dibantai," jawabnya.

Sebagai "Jurnalis Cengeng" saya hampir tidak mampu bertanya lagi.
Dia bahkan menolak jika dipindahkan dari Aceh, karena merasa dapat hidup tenang disini. Sambil menunjuk putranya yang asik bercanda dengan anak anak Aceh.

"Hanya itu anak yang bisa saya bawa naik perahu, istri dan putri saya yang masih bayi mungkin sekarang sudah dibunuh,"

Saya menyerah bertanya lagi..

Esoknya saya kembali meliput, membawa mainan mobilan ntuk putranya. 
Tapi saya terlambat dan telat info. Karena semalam mereka sudah diberangkatkan ke Sumut dan nasibnya ditentukan sebuah badan dunia masalah Pengungsi.

Saudara kami Muslim Rohingya..Maafkan kami belum mampu berbuat banyak, melihat kalian dianiaya dan didzalimi.......
Hari ini kembali saya...kita..
mendengar tentang "Genosida" terhadap Muslim Rohingya di Myanmar..
 Mari Peduli Muslim Rohingya dengan kemampuan apa yang kita bisa..
Support via Media Sosial, Petisi, Penggalangan Dana Kemanusiaan, Desakan terhadap Pemerintah dan PBB..dan DOA.

Selamat Idul Adha 1438 hijriah, Mohon Maaf Lahir dan Batin

Mengenal Sosok Ust. Abdul Somad "Morocco", Pendakwah Sejuta Viewers

Tulisan ini adalah suatu bentuk kekaguman dan ikhtiraman ana terhadap sosok ustadz Abdul Somad, yang ana anggap sebagai guru setia ana. Karena beliau yang selalu setia hadir untuk bisa menjadi tempat ana menuntut ilmu dan memperdalam ilmu agama, melaui ceramah di media online dan aplikasi  buku-buku yang beliau tulis.
Semoga suatu hari Allah mempertemukan ana dengan beliau. Insya Allah
BIOGRAFI Ustadz H. Abdul Somad Lc. MA
Nama Lengkap : H. Abdul Somad, Lc., MA.
Kelahiran : Rabu petang tanggal 30 Jamada al-Ula 1397 Hijrah
Bertepatan dengan 18 Mei 1977 M.
Pendidikan :
– SD al-Washliyah, tamat 1990
– Mts Mu’allimin al-Washliyah Medan, tamat 1993
– Madrasah Aliyah Nurul Falah, Air Molek, In-hu, tamat 1996
– S1 Al-Azhar, Mesir.
– S2 Dar Al-Hadits Al-Hassania Institute, Kerajaan Maroko
Pengabdian :
– Dosen Bahasa Arab di Pusat Bahasa Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau.
– Dosen Tafsir dan Hadits di Kelas Internasional Fakultas Ushuluddin UIN Suska Riau.
– Dosen Agama Islam di Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Al-Azhar Yayasan Masmur Pekanbaru.
– Anggota MUI Provinsi Riau, Komisi Pengkajian dan Keorganisasian Periode : 2009 – 2014.
– Anggota Badan Amil Zakat Provinsi Riau, Komisi Pengembangan, Periode : 2009 – 2014.
– Sekretaris Lembaga Bahtsul Masa’il Nahdlatul Ulama Provinsi Riau, Periode : 2009 – 2014.
Karya Ilmiah :
a. Thesis:
رجال الموطأ والصحيحين الذين ضعفهم النسائي في كتاب الضعفاء والمتروكين: جمعا ودراسة
b. Terjemah (Arab – Indonesia):
– Perbuatan Maksiat Penyebab Kerusakan Rumah Tangga (Judul Asli: Al-Ma’ashi Tu’addi ila Al-Faqri wa Kharab Al-Buyut), Penulis: Majdi Fathi As-Sayyid. Diterbitkan oleh Pustaka Al-Kautsar, Jakarta, Maret 2008.
– 55 Nasihat Perkawinan Untuk Perempuan, (Judul Asli : 55 Nashihat li al-banat qabla az-zawaj), Penulis: DR. Akram Thal’at, Dar at-Ta’if, Cairo. Diterbitkan oleh Penerbit Cendikia Sentra Muslim-Jakarta, April-2004.
– 101 Kisah Orang-Orang Yang Dikabulkan Doanya (Judul Asli: 101 Qishash wa Qishah li Alladzina Istajaba Allah Lahum Ad-Du’a’, Majdi Fathi As-Sayyid. Diterbitkan oleh Pustaka Azzam – Jakarta, Desember 2004.
– 30 Orang Dijamin Masuk Surga (Judul Asli: 30 al-mubasysyarun bi al-jannah), DR.Mustafa Murad, Dar al-Fajr li at-Turats,Cairo. Diterbitkan oleh Cendikia Sentra Muslim-Jakarta, Juli-2004.
– 15 Sebab Dicabutnya Berkah (Judul Asli: 15 sabab min asbab naz’ al-barakah), Penulis: Abu Al-Hamd Abdul Fadhil, Dar ar-Raudhah-Cairo. Diterbitkan oleh Cendikia Sentra Muslim-Jakarta, Agustus-2004.
– Indahnya Seks Setelah Menikah (Judul Asli : Syahr al-‘asal bi la khajal), DR. Aiman Al-Husaini, diterbitkan oleh Penerbit Pustaka Progresif, Jakarta, September 2004.
– Beberapa Kekeliruan Memahami Pernikahan (Judul Asli: Akhta’ fi mafhum az-zawaj, Muhammad bin Ibrahim Al-Hamd, diterbitkan oleh Penerbit Pustaka Progresif- Jakarta, September 2004.
– Sejarah Agama Yahudi (Judul Asli: Tarikh ad-Diyanah al-Yahudiyyah), diterbitkan oleh Pustaka al-Kautsar, Jakarta, Desember 2009
Ana kutip data ini dari situs kkaswaja.com

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